Monday, September 29, 2014


Welcome to all of my loyal followers! Just kidding.  I will be lucky if my sisters read this.  I am new to the blogging game, so let me just jump right in and share my story and reason for venturing out into the world of blogs. 

Originally hailing from the great state of Louisiana, I got a crazy idea in my head to move across the country to Portland, Oregon.  My upbringing in Louisiana exposed me to some of the best cuisine this country has to offer.  Life revolved around food and drinks.  Between my grandmother and my mom, I learned how to cook and have since developed a great appreciation for the art of cooking.  (To be fair, it took a while for me to really start to love cooking.  Most of my childhood was spent with my parents trying desperately to get me to eat healthy and try new things while I adamantly refused to eat anything but hamburgers.)

Since moving to Oregon, I have thrown myself into learning about cooking new types of cuisine and trying interesting flavors and ingredients.  Sometimes my recipes works out great and quickly become crowd favorites.  Other times, dinner ends up in the trash and we order pizza.  But this is part of the fun in learning to cook. 

Recently I have been working hard to improve the quality of ingredients I choose.  I have never been one to “diet” because diets do not work and they make your life miserable.  However, as I get older I realize how important it is to take care your health, both in what you eat and how active you remain.  In the spirit of trying new things, I decided to throw myself into a challenge, which I will document here. 

After purchasing Danielle Walker’s new cookbook Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple, I decided I will cook my way through the recipes listed, à la Julie and Julia. 

What I hope to achieve in this is journey is as follows:
         I want to stick with it, and publishing my progress will make me accountable.
               I am curious to see what health benefits come from making the extra effort to eat a cleaner, more wholesome diet.
               I hope to learn more about cooking so I can start sharing my own recipes with you.

    I hope you will join me on this journey!



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